Download Game Pump It Up Untuk Pc

No. Chris Foy and myself decided to leave the Pump It Up Pro project before development began for the Pump It Up Pro2 project. This was by our choice and because of personal disagreement with how business was being constructed @ Andamiro & Fun In Motion. In addition to this, we both became busy with the product development of iDANCE2.
One interesting fact – Pro 2’s “Routine mode” partly came from my initial concept to premier in the “In The Groove3” software. It was originally code named “CO-OP” mode and was one of our highly anticipated features in the original ITG3 advertisement in late 2006.

Pump It Up Extra (Bootleg for PC).rar 343.5 MB Pump It Up Extra.rar 257.6 MB Pump It Up Premiere.rar 390.6 MB Pump It Up Prex 2.rar 352.8 MB Pump It Up The Prex 2 (Bootleg for PC).rar 326.2 MB.

The original In The Groove 3 Advertisement from late 2006 AMOA

I guess it’s rather nice to see “CO-OP” mode live on in PIUPro2 eh? I’m positive that players will enjoy it and have a lot of fun with it in Piupro2! 🙂
I’ve honestly not played it so I can’t give an opinion! What do you think? Be sure to check up on the latest news on the official Pro forums for information & media about the game so that you can make your own assumptions! Congrats to the pro2 team members for recently completing the game!
Hi Kyle, Here’s my question, Do we have to pay for the Encore Pack? (excluding sending costs) How do I get It?, I don’t own the machine. Thank you very much!
People seem to have a hard time obtaining the Pump Pro Encore pack. (shrug) Good news is that the process has become very simple now.
1) Point your browser to the following location to download the files to a USB stick:
2) With the USB inserted, Use the operator menu to select “Install Upgrade” to install the latest Revision patch.
3) With the USB inserted, Use the operator menu to select “Install Addon”
Thanks for the incredible work with PIU Pro! It’s a shame that our local arcade doesn’t understand the importance of having maintenance on the pads, but we enjoy the machine nonetheless. I love Progressive Mode, the new charts and the percentage score. I’ve got some questions: Will there be a PIU Pro 2? If that’s the case, are you involved in its development, and is it being produced by the same team which produced PIU Pro?
Thanks for the nice comments about Pump Pro! There will be a 2nd Pump Pro. You should start to see news about it by the time you read this response… Be sure to check the latest Pro news at:
I Regret to inform you that Chris Foy and myself are not involved in the development of the 2nd version. This was by choice and because of personal disagreement with how business/product development was being constructed by Andamiro & Fun In Motion. Regardless, be sure to check up on the 2nd versions info via the Pro site and see what you think. Thanks for supporting the Pump It Up Pro series!
Does PIU Pro come as an upgrade kit for an existing exceed 2 machine or do we need to get the whole new cabinet? and who do we contact when its done?
PIU Pro will initially ship as a brand new cabinet with installed components. Upgrade kits will most likely be available shortly after initial release.
Are there going to be any roll arrows for Pump It Up Pro?
Yes! Pump It Up Pro does contain special arrow segments that require the player to “roll” their feet in rapid succession. We (the PIUPRO team) feel this adds another dimension to the step choreography of the game.
The Team that is working on Pump It Up Pro, are some from who worked with ITG or is this a whole new team? Also, will Andamiro’s Company Logo appear on this version of Pump It Up? Or is that still yet to be decided or not yet known.
The Pump It Up Pro team consists of multiple people who have specialized backgrounds and past experiences with developing rhythm based dance games. In addition; the PIUPRO team understands other social aspects involved with videogame development. (Yes, A large portion of this team has worked on previous games.) PIUPro is a product of Andamiro Entertainment. (Yes, their logo will be present on the final release)
Will Pump It Up Pro have modifiers?
Yes. There are several modifiers (more available than other products) that players can choose during gameplay. In fact; some of these modifiers are new innovations to gameplay mechanics.
Will Pump It Pro notes (arrows) be in 3d or 2d? Will it have some ITG modifyiers
As of now, this is still to be determined. (4-25-07) If there is demand for either, the team will select the best/most efficient course of action.
Will there be a console version of PIU Pro, and will there be a foam pad for it?
This all depends on the success of Pump It Up Pro arcade. If there is high demand for the arcade port; this will result in a possible home port release.
From the looks of the beta videos, there aren’t any BPM changes. Will there be BPM changes in the final version?
I can assure you that there are songs with BPM changes present in Pump It Up Pro.
Ok, so i’m a 4-panel dancer and I tried PIU but i severely suck at it. Is there like an easy way to transition easily from 4 to 5 (like DDR->ITG), or do i have to work my way up from beginner?
I do get this question a lot. My best advice is to start off with the mindset you had when you started playing 4 panel games. After you understand the movements/motions of 5panel, it’s very easy to translate the similar aspects of the games. (It’s much like being able to speak mutliple languages) I’d say that after 3-4 plays, the game should start to make a natural connection to you. Having a 4 panel background will actually be useful to get started and understanding the mechanics. Be aware that movements will feel awkward and slightly different. I wish you luck with your 5panel dancing adventure!
When Pump Pro Beta kits start getting distributed(which I am hoping they will be) will they be compatible with all versions of Pump it Up machines? I have a Pump it up Zero “SD” type machine which I would be more than willing to update to Pump Pro if it were compatible.
PIU Pro will be sold in a familiar way like other Pump versions of the past. You should able to upgrade machines and purchase brand new FX machines. I will be be sure to post more information about this as soon as I know more.
Any chance that Pump It Up Pro beta testing will make it to Canada? (Ontario, specifically)
Beta locations are expanding rapidly. I wouldn’t be surprised if you see a test pop up near your location soon. None the less; I’m almost positive you’ll see the final product regardless.
Okay, I’ve seen the “alleged” songlist for Pump Pro, possibly obtained from the Beta ( It’s missing Join The Party by Gans. Will this song possibly be on a later version of Pump Pro?
TyTiger, naturally Pump It Up Pro will do it’s best to meet player demands. I will forward all comments and my best to bring hopes to reality! Be sure to watch for updates and release information from Andamiro and http:www//
Pump It Up Pro has a very diverse songlist. The list ranges from classic Pump “hits” and crossover material from other known sources. Additionally, the list also has new songs designed/licensed specifically for the release.
Yes! Be sure to keep updated with information at
Did you have another job with this new project other than music?
Yes, I’m deeply involved with PIU Pro design. Naturally, this means that I’m also part of the PIUPro dev team. I currently manage the game content, media, and audio.
Are you playing a larger role in the production of the new music game than you did in ITG? If so, what do you hope to accomplish or improve that you didn’t get to with ITG?
Yes! In general, I’m very excited about this new project. It is my hope to be able to introduce new people to the game in a better fashion then (I felt) we did with ITG. My biggest concern is making the game fun for all levels of play. I’m committed to ‘fun’ (laughs)
How far north/south will the beta-testing be in Washington/Oregon when it is available?
There will be one site initially available for testing. (This will be in the Portland/Vancouver metro area) If people are not local to this area, I’m sure information will be known through people who are.
For your new video game related project(s), are you working with Roxor Games?
This project is NOT produced by Roxor Games. However, Fun In Motion is a separate company with several members that once WORKED for Roxor Games!
HELP ME excuse me who have the PUMP IT UP Pro I Like download thanks
Pump It Up Pro is not available for a “download”. It is a brand new franchise to Andamiro’s famous Pump It Up series. You could expect some download-ables and home ports in the future though!
Will PIU Pro have USB slots, so that people can keep track of their scores a la ITG? Also, does the difficulty of some songs stretch to that of ITG?
Pump It Up Pro does feature a USB card system to keep track of scores and supply other features to gameplay. Obviously, you will experience some different “feelings” with a 5 panel system compared to a 4 panel system. (You’ll probably enjoy the extra challenges and freedom that a 5 panel layout supplies you with.)
I can say that PIU Pro has a very rounded difficulty system that is sure to provide challenges to players. You will find several new types of patterns that will not be as familiar to a typical 4 panel experience. You should also have no problem with finding a starting point!
Do you know if Pump It Up Pro will be available in Canada? More specifically Montreal, Quebec? I’m a big fan of your work and I would love to play PIUP without having to buy the arcade machine myself :p
Thank you for your nice comments, I do appreciate this!
Much like former projects I’ve worked on; they typically start out small and multiply with time. I have a feeling that you will see PIUPro in Quebec soon enough. Be sure to suggest that your local arcade check into PIU Pro. If you show a local interest (maybe with friends?) you can expect a response.
Additionally, you will most likely see PIUPRO hit console markets after the success of the arcade port. I will be sure to make all news announcements known for players here.
Will PIU Pro will appear in a home version, like PC or another system? (Hey congratulations for you development and your developers’ team in Stepmania, ITG, PIU PRO and in your nice music)
Thank you for these comments! PIU Pro will most likely be available as a home port(s) after the success of the arcade port. Which console/platform will be determined by resources & demand.
I know that if PIU pro has a demand there will be ports for home but my next question is: If there is released ports for consoles, will you release port for PC version?
I suspect you will see several ports for the home market. This includes PC, Console, and other easy installable devices for home use. I’ll be sure to keep up with the news and report it on this site for all the users. Here is to hoping for more PIUPRO ports!
When PIUP gets ported to home devices, what consoles will it come out on? (specifically PS2, since most dancers will have it already) ..& btw you’re one hell of a talented dude and i can’t wait to see what’s next ;P
Thank you for your comments! Little is known about a possible home port of Pump It Up Pro at this time. (as of 7/30/07) Likely candidates for the home port? 1) PC 2) PS2 3) Xbox 4) Wii
A decision would be based off of market potential and production costs for each console. I’ll be sure to post additional information when it’s known.
Were there any songs that you really wanted to feature on Pro, but couldn’t for whatever reason (licensing issues, space, stepcharts just wouldn’t work out, etc.)?
In the planning stages for content in a game, we have so many high hopes for songs, modes, and extra features. The trick with designing an effective project is knowing what is possible within a certain time limit. You must learn to be realistic!
It is my belief that PIU Pro has done a good job of balancing: An interesting song list, easy to understand step patterns, and a new interface that is pleasing to players that are familiar with the dance game genre.
I hope to eventually have the opportunity to expand upon this and give players more in the next series. We have a lot of great ideas for the PRO series and I’m excited to be able to provide players with something new to enjoy.
I know that Roxor has nothing to do with this game but I was wondering why that is. The Konami ruling should have nothing to do with this game because its 5 panel right? Or are they somehow banned from making any dancing game all together?
You are correct, Roxor Games Inc is no longer permitted to produce dance games. However, I’m not employed by Roxor Game Inc.
I’ve heard that Pump it up pro is already released but only in the test market. When is the actual release of Pump it up pro? I’m really interested in this game.
Pump It Up Pro was officially released in August 2007. It’s currently available as a new cabinet from Andamiro Sales. (TBA – Upgrade kits will soon be available for other Pump It Up cabinet types.)
I play pump it up more than DDR or ITG. And I heard that PIU Pro will have USB slots. I like the fact that I can play my favorite songs on an ITG machine with a usb card. By any chance, do you think it would be possible able to play my own songs on Piu pro(or at least make edits for the songs already on piu pro) if i made the steps using a stepmaker program such as stepmania from the usb card?
At this time, there are no plans to ever include an official “Custom Song feature” for Pump It Up Pro. Aside from this, you can produce your own step data files to existing songs in the PIUPRO songlist.
When tournament/stats support begins for PIU Pro, songs from the current songlist will only be supported.
I am very sad to hear that piu pro is meant to be a replacement for itg3. I am not really a big fan of 5-panel dancing and am very sad about this. Is piu pro really a replacement?
PIU Pro is determined to create a new audience for the 5 panel dancing scene. It is our hope that new players will try PIU Pro and adapt with an open mind. If not? The ITG community still remains available for these players.

Download Game Pump It Up Untuk Pc Windows 7

People are encouraged to play whatever game they are most satisfied with. Nobody will ever (or should) demand anyone to play anything they aren’t comfortable with. Life is about having choices. The more, the merrier! 🙂
Got a few questions here: 1) What do you think of the hacking craze that’s swarmed over the In The Groove scene lately, and do you believe it may have any effects, negative or positive, on Pump Pro’s development? 2) Do you think that other, considerably free-er, rhythm game alternatives (StepMania, etc.) might have some impact on Pump Pro’s future? 3) Lastly, what was going through the mind of the step-artist(s) behind the VVV stepcharts? I don’t think I’ve seen a more befuddlingly stupid chartset ever. Why was it felt necessary to make the chart more difficult than fun?
1) Unfortunately, it’s sad to see players hacking game mechanics for bragging rights. I wonder how this makes players feel? Is it an accomplishment to post a false record? Do you have personal satisfaction in doing this? I predict that this type of behavior will be the ultimate demise of the ITG community. Hopefully it won’t happen too frequently anytime soon.
Does this effect PIU Pro? No, I don’t think it has/will have any impact.
2) It’s possible. When community members create concepts, everyone adapts this and learns from it. While it does happen, it’s very rare to find a quality community project that has the type of thought and detail of a commercial project. Why? Mainly because it’s someone doing work as a hobby. Personal enjoyment keeps the community strong! 🙂
3) VVV was designed to be very technical. Most people think I’m related to the step authoring for this song, and that’s false. What was going through the mind of the creator? (I’m not too sure because I’m not that person…) I suspect there was an evil grin on their face every few bars! 🙂 No doubt about it, this song is very technical and physically demanding. Who will attempt such a challenge? I guess we’ll see as PIU Pro continues to expand in the future.
EDIT – People have passed this chart and I salute them for their efforts!
Hey i played with up at big als i want my arcade to to a pump it pro i told them about it but they dont belive me how good it is because they never seen it and the have a old version of DDR is there any way i could get one
My best words of advice for you would to show them the websites & brochures involving Pump It Up Pro. Many amusement location rely on “industry connections” to make amusement purchases. You could always suggest they phone Big Al’s (in Vancouver, WA) and ask for earnings information regarding the game.
Goodluck with your venture in attaining a local PIU Pro for your arcade! 🙂
Andamiro has plans for a future PIU Pro title. Naturally, Pump Pro has been “physically” available since August 2007, and still is quite new to the arcade market. (Roughly 7 Months from 2-16-08)
EDIT: YES! It will be available soon. (However, I’m sorry to inform you that Chris Foy and myself are no longer part of the development team.)
Is there any way possible to get all or more of the songs from PIUP? I like the Energizer and many many other songs in the game, but many of them are not listed on this website. Where can I find them? Thanks!
Many of the songs in the Pump It Up Pro Songlist are available from the artists. If you do some searching and poking around (Myspace, Google, music networks) you will most likely find something!
When we license songs for a new game title, we typically take into account the involvement of the artist and their music. Do they have a record deal? Do they releases music frequently? Do they have an established fan base with real music networks? Do they have a huge passion while they live and breath music? 🙂
For finding songs and works that are authored by myself, you will always find information on this site or via SCI Recordings. ( You can always contact me directly if you have a specific question.
Naturally, I appreciate people who support my music and work outside of my game production. I’d also like to remind everyone that It’s important for everyone to help support the music + artists that they enjoy. By your support, you will help them grow as an artist and this will lead to more productions in the future!
If PRO would ever be ported to the PS2 console is it likely to have the same loading issues that ITG had? Almost every dance game that’s been ported to the PS2 always had great and speedy load times. Do you have any predictions? What if studio9 decided to port it to the PSP? 😛 Oh and how many songs will you plan on packing? Pro exclusives only or will you also include some PIU crossovers?
If demand is high, you can expect to see a Pump It Up Pro console release. It’s very unlikely that Pump Pro would follow down the same path as the ITG series.
(You’d probably see PRO ported to a more recent console)
If a CS version (Consumer Software) is developed for Pump It Up Pro, you can expect it to be a very similar experience to the arcade port.
When there is enough demand from the market to warrant a release. As of now (4-16-2008) there hasn’t been enough of a demand to peruse a Home edition of Pump It Up Pro.
I have been looking over the internet and I couldn’t find a website to buy a cabinet.
I am going to recommend it to my arcade manager but it’s no help if I don’t know where we can order it.
If you are interested in purchasing Pump It Up Pro. Please contact Andamiro USA
Or directly contact these people:
Tel. 1-310-767-5800 (ext. 102)
Alternatively, please use the contact link via this website for further assistance from myself. Thanks for the question and good luck with attaining Pump it Up Pro in the future!
I am currently playing PUI Pro heavily at the arcade but am also a dire-hard fan of stepmania on the arcade. Is there any way to get the steps from the arcade to port into stepmania for other PIU songs as the “generated” steps aren’t always up to par. Keep up the excellent and heres to hoping a PC port will be release soon… fingers crossed 🙂
I’d highly suggested checking out local Pump It Up forums and sites dedicated to the Pump It Up Games. I’d suggest Pump Haven ( and the list of Pump song downloads via the Stepmania Website. Hope this helps!
Any updates for a pc/console port? I see you’ve started development on a pro sequel, but I can’t get very excited considering I haven’t even played the first. I play ITG2PC constantly and I’m waiting for news as I plan to build pads once I’m sure pro has a home release schedule. Thx 🙂
As of now (4-16-2008) there hasn’t been enough of a demand to peruse a possible Home edition of Pump It Up Pro. I will continue to keep players updated via this site if this information changes. Thanks for the question!
I wouldn’t say that Pump It Up Pro is “better” then any other version of the classic Pump It Up Series. The main feature of PIU Pro is it’s different approach to the 5 panel Pump It Up Game play. What makes it different? Check out This local link for a better clarification of Pump It Up Pro features.
I highly suggest that most people consider multiple versions of Pump It Up. As with any series, it’s grown over the years and each series offers it’s own amount of “fun” for it’s own reasoning.
Hi kyle, im from the uk and i love pump pro so much i want to play it dayly. so im looking for the cheapest rout of getting pump pro in my house. so my question is what is the cheapest way to get a pump it up pro arcade game in my house? is it cheaper to buy a really old cab and upgrade it if so what one? regards robert
I highly suggest people consider purchasing an FX cabinet (if they are able). This is because there are so many advancements in the sound and visual aspects of the game that it makes it very much worth it!
However, if you are on a tight budget, I would strongly suggest finding yourself a 2nd version of the original GX cabinet design from Andamiro. The 2nd revision of the “GX” cabinet is the same cabinet type used with the dedicated ITG machines.
Is it cheaper? Slightly cheaper (~$2000 if the GX cabinet is in perfect condition and you got a good deal), but I feel it’s worth the investment to consider the FX option.
Two Questions (hee hee 😀 ) 1) First of all. Do you feel that the biggest threat to Pro’s sales is in fact ITG. Because of R21 and the fact some places the players had hack their machines not to mention the fact there is the Rebirth and ITG3 Fan Projects, some people in my community believes these things will prevent Pump It Up Pro to become even more successful in some places or in some cases, prevent arcades to buy Pro. Could ITG in fact cause problems for Pro in terms of this? 2) Second Question, what kinds of suggestions are you looking for from the community for the next PIUPro?
1)ITG continues to do well everyday. We (the ITG team) couldn’t have asked for anything better. The players have done a great job keeping the game alive and thriving over the years. ITG2 still competes well in the 4 panel market…
As you have mentioned, ITG can be very tough competition for Pump Pro. It’s true that many locations have not upgraded their dance games because of the following that ITG still has. The amusement industry is also seeing high pressure from console games at the same time… 🙁
So to answer your question fair and square, “YES” ITG is somewhat responsible for some locations not upgrading their dance machines… Oh well, what have we done?! 🙂
2) We are always looking for suggestions. This can be music, game modes, steps types, or anything else that you’d like to see in a future Pump Pro title. (June 2008) Recently we announced the support for “USB Content packs” coming to Pump Pro. (this is something that has never been done with a dance machine before)
As the future progresses, our team will do the best we can to add features and modes to Pump Pro to keep the players happy. Our goal is to keep operators happy with earnings and keep players interested in gameplay. If you have any ideas, we’d love to hear from you on the Pump Pro Forum! (
How do you turn off the demo sound, on a pump it up PRO? as soon you credit it up, it makes that noise.. PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW TO REMOVE IT. THANKS
This is not “demo sound”. When you insert a credit into a Pump Pro it naturally begins to think that you’d like to play a game…. (Are you saying you’d like to insert a credit and walk away without play?) 🙂 Anyway, after 30 seconds the game will naturally cut all audio and continue back to the attract sequence.
For Demo/non play volume, check the operator menu for game settings. You will find specific volume controls for attract/demo play when there isn’t an active player on the machine.
Who produced song at the beginning (Press start screen) ?
The title song of Piu Pro was composed by me. I have plans to soon release this via SCI Recordings. Please watch for updates!
PIU… uhh what?! WTF IS PIU! That is what most people say when I tell them about PIU. My community is so behind in the gaming world… hell most people know what DDR is but have no clue what I mean when I say the abreviation DDR. Anyway, my arcade has no clue what PIU is and so no matter how many times I nudge him he says he will, “look into it.” But 7 months later and he hasn’t looked a peak! I really want a PIU Pro machine here cause are DDR Extreme machine is getting old… How much would they cost? Oh, and can you gimme some links or ADs or comercial or preview videos? (No one here even knows what ITG is and they still call it DDR! )
Naturally, I understand your pain my friend. The best thing to do is connect them with Wikipedia pages & Youtube videos or other public available information about the titles. All you can do is help educate people and make them understand the true differences! Sadly, It does take a HUGE effort to do this. However, Do know that you are doing a good service for your fellow community players!
Hello! i’ve known about pump it up pro for a good while, but as of now [october of 2008], i still have not played a single round of this game. my questions about it are as follows… 1. when did development of the game first begin? 2. when was the game first officially released? 3. what is the current development status of this game, as far as the “first mix”, and what is the development status of the “second mix”? 3.5. what maintenence and content updates have been made available thus far? 4. what format of audio and what bitrates are used in the actual game data? for song backgrounds and banners, what are the official dimensions and formats? 5. are there, at this point in time, plans for console and/or pc/mac/linux releases of pump it up pro? response is much appreciated. i know you’re busy, so i hope my questions don’t take too much of your time…
Hello, thanks for the questions about Pump Pro. Let me do my best to answer them!
1) Development for Pump It Up Pro began in late 2006 while ITG3 was finishing it’s production. Our team had long talks with Andamiro at previous events/shows and we had plans to produce a Pump Pro product regardless of ITG’s Future.
2) Pump Pro was officially released and available for purchase in the summer of 2007 (July/Aug). It was first shown at the ASI Amusement show in Las Vegas the prior Spring.
3) Pump Pro is still being sold and is doing very well for Andamiro as a new Pump Product. Pro has experienced many dedicated cabinet sales compared to other pumps. You can still purchase it today…. It’s soon about to have the honor of being longest new sell period of a Pump game. (1-31-2009)
Production for add-on packs continues as well as a new MP product. Based on recent amusement market demands, production has slowed for this title.
3.5) The Encore Pack and “HS Musical” Pack for MP is currently available. There have not been new announcement outside of these content packs at this time.
4) The Backgrounds are all PNG data and motion backgrounds are based on license free Mpeg1 data. The sound is structured in 48k license free OGG format. The specific formatting follows other pump data structured for the Exceed/Zero series.
5) Due to market demands, there are not plans for a CS or console release involving the Pump It Up Pro Series.
When PIU PRO came out, did andamiro korea help make it or did andamiro usa produce it by itself?

Download Game Pump It Up Untuk Pc Laptop

All branches of Andamiro (both USA and Korea) + USA based Fun In Motion production team helped with the final Pump It Up Pro product.
Pump It Up Pro was released following Pump It Up NX. NX2 & NXA were released following the Pump it Up Pro series.

Download Game Pump It Up Untuk Pc Laptop

indeed, v V v Better known as the 3rd V OR V cubed! 🙂
How long does it take to receive the Encore Pack after submitting the information?
If you don’t have a response in less than 5 business day, please contact or leave a message on the Pump Pro forums. Thanks!
hi, i wanna ask you if the piu pro pc version was made for you and if that is the case, congratulations what an amazing job, i also want to know if i can play online with my friends on piu pro pc (if you develop that version) thanks for your time and keep on the good work
The PIU Pro PC version was not directly developed by our team. This port is actually a stepmania build that people have constructed from the arcade materials. Naturally, we’re happy you enjoy PIU PRO and thank you for the support.
Due to recent demand and economy status, production has slowed on several ARCADE products for the year. We hope that you continue to enjoy the Pump It Up Series regardless of this. Thank you for playing Pump It Up!

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